
import assert from 'nanoassert'

 * Wraps a function call that may be synchronous in a function that
 * is guaranted to be async. This is a stricter version of calling a
 * function and wrapping its result using `Promise.resolve()` as the new function also
 * handles the case where the original function throws an exception.
 * @param {Function} fct The function to wrap.
 * @returns {Function} The wrapped function.
 * @example
 * import { asyncWrap } from 'modern-async'
 * const myFunction = () => {
 *   // any kind of function that may or may not return a promise
 * }
 * const asyncFct = asyncWrap(myFunction)
 * const promise = asyncFct()
 * console.log(promise instanceof Promise) // prints true
function asyncWrap (fct) {
  assert(typeof fct === 'function', 'fct must be a function')
  return async function () {
    return fct(...arguments)

export default asyncWrap